There are 3 common birds we see most often in our line of work inside of industrial and commercial spaces. These are pigeons, sparrows, and starlings. Each of these species have differing nesting areas, as well as, risks when it comes to infestations.
Today we’re going to discuss each of these species so you can learn what to look out for and the risks they can come with.
Pigeons, known for their adaptability, often nest in urban areas, utilizing ledges, rooftops, and abandoned buildings. Their nests are typically made of twigs, leaves, and other debris. One of the biggest concerns with pigeons is their proximity to human environments can pose health risks due to the potential spread of diseases like salmonellosis and histoplasmosis through their droppings. - SPARROWS
Sparrows are ubiquitous birds found in various habitats, including cities, suburbs, and rural areas. They commonly nest in protected spaces such as building eaves and shrubs, constructing bulky nests from grass, feathers, and other materials. Sparrows can carry diseases such as avian pox and salmonellosis, potentially posing health risks to humans and other bird species. - STARLINGS
Starlings are highly social birds that often nest in cavities, including tree hollows, and building crevices. They construct cup-shaped nests using grass, twigs, and feathers. While starlings are not typically associated with direct health risks, their large flocks can create nuisance and damage to agricultural crops.
If you’re seeing any of these species or their nests, please don’t hesitate to give us a call so we can discuss what needs you and your facility may have! Call us at 785-764-4826 or www.EagleServicesBirdControl.com