3 Ways to Protect Your Home From Birds

While the majority of our customers are commercial and industrial, we do service a variety of residential homes on an as needed basis.

Whenever possible, we like to help our residential callers out by giving practical tips they can do themselves if they choose. This saves you time and money. If the situation is larger than you can handle, we are more than happy to come out and assist in eradicating your bird problem.


Let’s talk about 3 simple ways to help you keep your home free from bird infestations!

  1. Trim Trees and Bushes
    Prune overhanging branches and trim bushes near your home to remove potential nesting sites. This reduces the appeal of your property for birds seeking shelter.
  2. Seal Entry Points
    Inspect your home for any gaps, holes, or openings that birds could use to access your attic, roof, or other indoor spaces. A common sting spot is dryer vents. Seal these entry points with durable materials to prevent birds from entering.
  3. Deter with Visual and Audio Repellents.
    Employ visual deterrents like reflective tape, scare balloons, or predator decoys, along with audio repellents such as ultrasonic devices or recordings of predator calls. These methods disrupt birds’ sense of safety and discourage nesting.

If you’ve done these things and you’re still struggling — give us a call to see what other solutions we have for you! It extreme situations, sometimes bird spikes or bird netting might be a practical and viable long-term solution for you.

You can call us anytime at 785–764–4826 OR visit our website at www.EagleServicesBirdControl.com